Saturday, February 26, 2022

 As we enter into the upcoming penitential season, I’ve discerned that the Lord is calling me into the night of faith to focus on my own need for reflection, purification, and detachment. There is simply too much noise and public commentary and I am only adding to it by my words.

To that end I will be taking an extended break during Lent to listen rather than speak (write), to pray, fast and do penance. The road is long and I am only at the beginning, with nothing to offer the Lord but my own weakness, brokenness, and sinfulness. As one commenter noted, I am nothing but a naive and ignorant little boy. He’s not wrong.

Please keep my family in your prayers and I will pray for you as well. May Our Lady keep us all cloaked in her mantle. 

“For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.” (Ps 51:3)


  1. Hi Rob, prayers for a blessed Lent. I will be doing the same.

  2. Many blessings to you and your family. May we all listen to God more in the coming days.
