Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Bad Trads @ USC

 Boniface at Unam Sanctam Catholicam has a good post on the disillusioning trend I've witnessed to a degree myself as well. Though I'm not online as much these days (where I think it tends to be more prevalent), it's disheartening when you see such great potential (as I've tried to outline early on in our shift towards traditional Catholicism, here in 'Tradition and Charity: The Face of Renewal) get soured by some off-putting uber-trad apples. Or maybe that's what it's been all along and we're the middle-line softies? IDK, you decide. Personally, I found outrage culture tiresome in liberalism, and even more so in traditionalism. Have a read:



  1. Is this a wide spread phenomenon? I'm not that familiar with this community as my state has small pockets of trads that frequent TLM. The internet has some in the novus ordo attacking trads for this or that and vice versa. But the NO church is dwindling down with such speed i find it difficult to believe there isn't some push behind the curtain to foment fear towards trads.

    1. I'm not sure how widespread it is outside the internet. Our TLM community is very 'normal' and not fringe, which I appreciate. You make an interesting point about formenting fear towards trads from the NO...don't underestimate what happens when someone/something is threatened. I think the NO crowd who have animosity towards the TLM crowd paint in caricatures (ie, Bishop Barron, maybe?) of the 'angry, judgy trad', though I think a good number of TLMers just want a reverent Mass and the younger ones may not have the baggage of the old guard wounds. Which makes it weird when you have some of these fring-y younger TLMers Boniface refers to; I think he makes some good points about tradition not being 'anti-' in the way progressivism is, which always needs something to rage against. As I wrote in "Tradition and Charity: The Face of Renewal" I think trads are on solid ground liturgically, and combine that with an openness and dare I say friendliness that looks outward, seems like an unstoppable force to renew the Church.

    2. Thank you for bringing +Barron up. Marshall Taylor a couple months back mentioned that the good bishop blocked Marshall from any type of communication...I guess he was just too upset with a little healthy criticism :) If a bishop cannot take it he should leave the kitchen.
