Sunday, July 10, 2022

Just A Reminder (for new readers)

 If you are new to PF, welcome. I hope you find something of value here. 

There are 600+ posts spanning eight years or so on the topics of faith, prayer, sex, chastity, marriage and family, the Latin Mass, mental health/illness, penance, conversion, Catholic manhood, the saints, evangelization, and Catholic culture. Feel free to peruse. Protestant Christians, non-believers, and Catholics alike are all welcome, but please note this is an unapologetically Catholic blog that seeks to be orthodox in deed and creed. At some point I would like to add tags to organize by topic, so stay tuned. 

At least lately, I have been writing fairly consistently. If you would like to receive new posts by email, be sure to subscribe. Please note, though, you will have to do that from your computer, as the option to enter your email only appears in the web version and not mobile version. Its in the upper right corner of the screen on the main screen. For some reason this function is not supported by Blogger on mobile.

I encourage and welcome comments, and always try to respond, so please do so if you feel called to on a particular post. It would also be a help if, and you have my permission, to share any posts via social media (which I am not on) or other channels, RSS, etc. I would ask if you have your own website and wish to link this blog, please reach out via the "Contact" form (which is on mobile, at the bottom, and web version, which is on the right side bar). Anything sent via the contact form I will receive by email, and am happy to respond to.

I receive zero commission or monetary compensation for anything written here; nothing is monetized. I have been blogging in some form or another (I started on MySpace!) since 2004 or so. It is a labor of compulsion, a debt to be paid to the Lord, and offered free of charge. It also gives me the freedom to write what I feel led to without having to pander to an audience, to take risks without fearing losing readership. I figure if people want to read what's here, they will, and if they don't, they won't. There's plenty of other good content out there. 

One last note: I use a nom de plume here (Paul) in lieu of my real name, though all my published articles at Catholic websites and periodicals use my real name and link to my blog. So maybe the attempt at anonymity is an illusion, but it helps me to at least feel like what I write is only about me in as much as I use my faith, family, and conversion eperiences as subject matter for material. All glory belongs to God. 

Thank you for your readership, and I hope to hear from you at some point. 


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